
Assorted Fantasies - Joel Puga

I am definitely going to agree that this is a dark fantasy, this is not the usual kind of fantasy I enjoy reading, but I thought I would give it a try and see how I go

Assorted Fantasies is full of short stories, which from the first is obvious there is more to the stories than I am getting; however they are also all related. It took a few of the short stories before I got a better understanding of what was going on, but I still know that I am missing the bigger picture. For myself, I doubt I'll read this again, it was just a little bit too dark for my liking.

Having no previous knowledge of the series, I feel that  some of the short stories seemed pointless, I do however, imagine they are connected to a bigger picture, but without it...

I will admit that I did enjoy the fact that not all of the stories are contained to one place, you visit places at random all over the world. Unfortunately, for me, this is not enough to keep my interest to find out more about this world. What I figured to be the main thread that connects all of the short stories was intriguing enough to have me coming back to find out more, but the amount of gore that was involved was a bit much for my tastes. I like my paranormal/fantasy, but clearly dark fantasy is not for me